Provide some idea(s) for a psychotherapeutic session -. Its length in minutes must be 30. The patient is experiencing the following mood - S...
aidemia--modules-session_ideas_requestProvide some idea(s) for a psychotherapeutic session -
What length (min)30
Patient moodStressed
Patient conditionNot specific
Relevant challengesNothing in particular
Therapeutic techniqueCognitive Behavioral Therapy
Use coping techniquesNo particular
Patient engagementNeutral or indifferent
Patient assignmentNothing specific
Specific mindsetNo particular
Needed behavioural changeNo particular
Any other preferences

Psychotherapeutic Session Plan

Session Length: 30 minutes
Patient Mood: Stressed
Main Condition: Not specific
Issues to Address: None particular
Technique Applied: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Current Engagement: Neutral or indifferent

Session Objectives

  1. To help the patient identify stressors that contribute to their current mood.
  2. To explore cognitive distortions the patient may have concerning their stress.
  3. To develop coping strategies that the patient can deploy in times of stress.

Session Outline

1. Introduction (5 minutes)

2. Check-in on Current Feelings (5 minutes)

3. Cognitive Distortions (10 minutes)

4. Coping Strategies (5 minutes)

5. Closing and Future Focus (5 minutes)

End of Session

Tools to Bring to Following Sessions

Reflection After Session

Note: Adapt the session flow as necessary to align with patient responses and engagement. Encourage and motivate them to explore their thoughts and feelings at their comfort level.